26 gennaio 2013

How connect Raspberry Pi to Aurora Uno Power-One via converter RS-485 to USB

Requisite hardware:
  • Raspberry Pi model B
  • Converter RS485 to USB (for example this)
Update your operating system Raspbian "wheezy" with this code:

sudo -s
..# cd /..
..# apt-get update
..# apt-get update
..# apt-get upgrade
Wire connection:

Aurora Power One RS485 to USB - picture 1
Aurora Power One RS485 to USB - picture 1
Aurora Power One RS485 to USB - picture 2
Aurora Power One RS485 to USB - picture 2
Aurora Power One RS485 to USB - picture 3
Aurora Power One RS485 to USB - picture 3
Note: pay attention to the color of the wires, if you invert them you will receive from aurora the follow error :
aurora: ERROR: Received bad return code (-1 0) 

How install Aurora 1.8.3:

sudo -s
..# cd home
../home# wget http://www.curtronics.com/Solar/ftp/aurora-1.8.3.tar.gz
../home# tar -xzvf aurora-1.8.3.tar.gz
../home# rm aurora-1.8.3.tar.gz
../home# cd aurora-1.8.3
../home/aurora-1.8.3# make
../home/aurora-1.8.3# make install
../home/aurora-1.8.3# cd /.. 

How communicate with Aurora 1.8.3:

../home# stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 19200   # you must set boud rate to 19200
../home# aurora -a 2 -e /dev/ttyUSB0  # command for get cumulated energy readings

I hope this is useful

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